A very special thanks to all that contributed! Fallout 4 - Custom Space Marine Armour (with gameplay). Doesn't matter which game it is, which ones have the best mods involving 40k? 2. Fallout 4 Mods Weekly | Warhammer 40k Mod | Xbox One (2019). Longtime Dakkanaut Fallout 4 is a mess but a 40k mod of it could be fun. Project: by MiniWarGaming | not rated: Dave combines 2 loves, Warhammer 40k and Fallout, in this story driven campaign where mission narratives are user submitted, 2 guests battle their way through a post apocalyptic frontier world, and role playing is combined with the table top. A very special thanks to all that contributed! Space Marines of Warhammer 40K universe are really the epitome of bulkiness. 0 Full Dawn of War: Professional - Soulstorm v3.

The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. Starting A New 40k Army – Skitarii Beginner's List. I think your pack had about 100 or so mods.